sábado, 17 de febrero de 2018

Habits and Cultural Practices at the National University of Education of Ecuador (UNAE)

This study is an attempt to approach the cultural habits and practices of a group of second semester students of Basic Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educación del Ecuador. In order to achieve this goal, an analysis instrument has been elaborated and linked in two modules of contents: one dedicated to identify certain students’ socio-demographic characteristics and another focused on the study of cultural habits and practices: use and frequency of library and reading habits; use and frequency of written press, radio and television; employment of new technologies; and participation in cultural activities, typology and frequency.
The results obtained show, the important presence of certain cultural habits and practices (press, radio, TV and the use of new technologies) and show explicit weaknesses in the studied university population (reading and attendance at cultural activities).

Castellano Gil, J.M., González Arteaga, M. C., Reiban Garnica, D. & Fajardo Pucha, A. B.
Advances in Education Research. ISSN 2160-1070

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